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Engineer Inspecting Gas Line


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At present those who transmission gas agreement signed with Israel Natural Gas lines (INGL) may trade on EMEX platform. Others may join as observers.

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Membership Information

The Market Rules establish the conditions under which  EMEX, the market operator, ensures the orderly operation of the market and the trading platform.

This Agreement defines the terms upon which the trader will participate in the trading platform. 


This agreement for the sale, purchase and delivery of gas is a framework agreement governing transactions by members of EME through the Exchange.

This Agreement defines the terms upon which the observer will participate in the trading platform.

In order to become a member, the prospective member must fulfil a know your client (KYC) process in accordance to EMEX's standards and procedures.

EMEX's Fees are based on a fix membership fee and fees from trading as set in the market rules.

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Our current trading members:

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